At the Center for Homeless Children and their Families shelter, food and case management is provided for up to 35 people for up to 60 days per family. After that the family can move on to our Transitional Housing where they can stay for up to two years.

“We have our own home again, our bills are getting paid and we are starting to pay off our debts. Tom loves his job. The kids are back in school. Next week I can start job hunting. Thank you!”
— Mary, former shelter resident

“Throughout her stay in Transitional Housing, Julie set and achieved many goals. She struggled to pay her rent and monthly bills, but she managed. She repaired her credit, completed her first year at the Junior College, maintained her recovery program and found permanent housing for herself and her daughter. Bravo!”
— Julie’s case manager

“One of the best things that happened while we were here is that a little girl and her mom came in to volunteer and give COTS the money they’d raised in a bake sale. They told us that they had been homeless once. Hearing that gave my kids hope.”
— Beth, former shelter resident