Four Pillars of Success
How do COTS’ programs work for our program participants when other previous programs or approaches might have failed?

How are successes and ‘miracles’ at COTS achieved?

How do we create an environment in our programs where previously hopeless people are able to find the possibility of hope in their lives again?

Before the actual ‘nuts and bolts’ of our programs come into view for our program participants, we approach each person and their situation with what we at COTS call our Four Pillars. We summarize these Four Pillars as C-H-I-I: Connection, Hope, Intention and Integrity.


Personal connection, a supportive and healthy relationship, gives us a foundation to help people to develop hope. By first developing a relationship in which we show that we are trustworthy and reliable, we have the credibility to show our program participants that others just like them have succeeded and that we know how to help them. So connection enables us to build hope.

When a life has been shattered through abuse, accident, bad choices, or a combination of these, a person can feel hopeless. And without hope, there is no prospect for a better life, and there is no incentive or impetus to try to improve one’s circumstances. So we want to make hope rational, so that our program participants can develop the intent for a better life and build their sense of hope with small changes which will lead to bigger changes.

Intention is the key to progress; without intention, people drift. But hope for something better precedes intention for something better, and hope is best fostered where there is a personal connection. Once there is hope for the possibilities of a better life and future, COTS program participants are able to form their intentions and set their own personal goals for making changes in their lives. Working with their case manager, the program participants develop goals and intentions that become their own.

Integrity rounds out this process. Once the connections are made, a sense of hope is restored, and personal intentions are developed, the COTS team holds each program participant--and our staff– accountable for making decisions and taking action that is in accord with these goals and dreams. Each small success along the path restores the program participant’s personal integrity and sense of control over his or her life, which leads to bigger goals and bigger successes.

These COTS Four Pillars are the foundation upon which each program participant begins to change his or her life for the better: Connection, Hope, Intention, and Integrity. These are the COTS pillars of success!