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the-need.570x205.jpgWe ensure that homeless children do not become homeless adults.

Our housing programs give children a predictable environment that fosters healthy brain development and social and emotional growth. Homeless parents reside in environments where COTS staff support healthy parenting practices throughout the day, every day, in much the same way that an immersive environment supports learning a foreign language. We call this approach Full Immersion Residential Parenting Education.

Kids First helps parents to understand their own learned behaviors so that they can support their child's development and foster self-esteem. Many of the parents who come to COTS are modeling behaviors that they experienced when they were growing up. Kids First helps parents to break cycles of violence in their families, and support their children's development.

Children's Programs teaches kids how to self-regulate and to use vocabulary to express their feelings without aggression. We help children from homeless families to set high goals for their lives and to express hope for their future.

Strong caregivers are the backbone of strong families. Our Center for Homeless Children and Their Families provides safe care, tutoring and assessment for children, while their parents work to attain housing, income and sobriety. By fostering the stability of parents, guardians, and caregivers, we facilitate success for children.


Statistics source: National Center on Family Homelessness.